FAME Chapter


The Federation for Advanced Manufacturing Education provides global-best workforce development through strong technical training, integration of manufacturing core competencies, intensive professional practices and intentional hands-on experience to build the future of the modern manufacturing industry.

FAME was created by Toyota and moved to the Manufacturing Institute for national scaling in 2019. Today, the Manufacturing Institute, as the workforce development and education partner of the National Association of Manufacturers, is proud to manage FAME USA as it continues to grow across the country with the support of more than 400 manufacturers.

Global Best Skills Training Program

FAME is the premier advanced manufacturing workforce education and development program, helping students become highly skilled, globally competitive, well-rounded and sought-after talent that can meet the unique needs and challenges of today’s modern manufacturing workforce. Every year, FAME graduates’ transition into well-paying, diverse career pathways in critical disciplines across the manufacturing industry and across the country.

The Advanced Manufacturing Technician (AMT) program administered under the FAME model leverages a work/learn framework to weave technical knowledge, professional behaviors and distinct manufacturing core exercises into a focused co-op experience to build global-best, entry-level, multiskilled maintenance technicians.

Educational Excellence

FAME is the nation’s premier, highly integrated and proven manufacturing career pathway program. It connects prospective talent to training opportunities in advanced manufacturing that will lead to well-paying careers.

Trained & Professional

FAME equips the next generation of American workers with the skills to succeed in a career in modern manufacturing through deep integration of the core competencies in manufacturing, industry-specific skills and professional habits that prepare the next generation to join and succeed in the workforce of today and tomorrow.

Linking Industry & Education

Led by manufacturers, and supported by education partners, FAME establishes a best-in-class curriculum encompassing hands-on and virtual programming that provide real, tangible solutions to the industry’s toughest challenges in skills training and workforce development across a variety of industries within manufacturing.
