
Deep Rural Roots & A Texas-Sized Work Ethic

Waller County, along with the broader Houston region, boasts one of the nation's most educated, diverse, and robust workforce. Recognizing the importance of workforce data for your relocation or expansion plans, we have compiled the latest and most relevant information on Waller County and its surrounding areas. For real-time regional data, you can refer to the Bureau of Labor Statistics for the Houston MSA. Additionally, our region offers numerous resources to support workforce training.

Addressing the challenge of sustaining a skilled workforce, we have established strategic partnerships with workforce training organizations that provide comprehensive skills development and resources. Businesses make substantial investments in training and onboarding, yet many available funds remain underutilized. Through collaborations with Workforce Solutions, Texas A&M Engineering Extension Services (TEEX), Texas State Technical College (TSTC), and state and federal programs—including those from the State of Texas and the U.S. Department of Labor—we help you leverage these resources to bring valuable training opportunities to support your business.

Workforce Training

Maintaining a qualified workforce is one of the biggest challenges for businesses. To help you tackle this, we have partnered with several organizations that provide the necessary resources to keep your employees well-trained, safe, and productive. In fact, Waller County is in the 80th percentile as ranked by the Innovation Intelligence index. See the details here.

Saving money on training and enhancing employee performance are essential for helping employers create new jobs. By leveraging the various programs available today, you can build a more efficient workforce while increasing profitability. If you are interested in learning more about these programs, please send us an email.

Hiring Grants and Support

Hiring Grants and Support

Each year, companies spend millions on training staff and hiring new employees. To help reduce these costs, the State of Texas and the U.S. Department of Labor offer generous programs. Unfortunately, much of this funding goes unused annually.

You don’t have to navigate the challenges of hiring and training new employees alone. There are several ways to minimize your risk and maximize your resources. Workforce Solutions is your one-stop shop for all your workforce needs. If you can train your employees on-site, there are on-the-job training programs available that offer support through training and partial wage reimbursement.

The WCEDP has successfully partnered with Workforce Solutions to secure training grants. Each year, thousands of dollars in available funding go unallocated. Take advantage of this valuable resource to help reduce the costs of hiring and training employees.

Executive Education

Keeping your management staff educated is also a challenge. However, we have a solution. We are home to Prairie View A&M University. PVAMU has an accredited College of Business that offers numerous graduate-level business programs. Additionally, PVAMU’s College of Engineering is renowned for its excellence. While workforce grants cannot be used for advanced degrees, Waller County offers excellent opportunities for executive education.

Learn more about education in Waller County

Building a Stronger Workforce

For those companies coming from outside the US, one of the more difficult transitions is understanding how to get employment data and paying employees competitive wages. Even US companies sometimes struggle with understanding wage data. Since each area will pay differently based on cost of living and competitive pressures, the best information will be local wage and employment data. All jobs are described using the Federal Department of Labor Standard Occupation Code (SOC). This provides a standardized way of comparing jobs.

Planning your new facility will require a significant investment in wages. We have co-developed a wage tool with Parker Harvey at Workforce Solutions. This tool was initially developed to help our office ensure companies locating in the area, and seeking incentives, were paying their employees at the regional average or above. This is information you need to ensure you maintain sufficient staff. We require companies to provide competitive wages in order to qualify for tax incentives. If you are not sure what to pay your workforce, call our office and we will help you get the information you need to analyze your wage strategy.

Registered Apprenticeship Program

Workforce Solutions can assist you by providing placement services, getting you setup as a registered apprentice, and help secure funding for training. Take advantage of using in-house training by becoming a registered apprenticeship company. This Department of Labor program helps by providing you a proven training model and additional training cost reimbursement.

The Gulf Coast Workforce Board-Workforce Solutions is ready to get incentives back to employers for hiring pre-apprenticeship and registered apprenticeship trainees. In this program, employers are reimbursed up to 75% of any new hires hourly wages back to a company as long as they participate in a registered apprenticeship program with them. Download benefits brochure here.

This registered apprenticeship incentive provides an embossed certification through the Department of Labor, and builds a structured pipeline for talent. The employers can take advantage of off-setting the cost of new hires, while training them to the specifications the employer needs.

Employers can work with local school districts and their students to build this program.  We are looking for great partners within the community that will take a chance on hiring some of these young adults and giving them not just a job, but a career. Visit the Dept. of Labor FAQ page.

Skills Development Fund

The Skills Development Fund is Texas' premier job-training program providing local customized training opportunities for Texas businesses and workers to increase skill levels and wages of the Texas workforce. The Texas Workforce Commission administers funding for the program. Success is achieved through collaboration among businesses, public community and technical colleges, Workforce Development Boards and economic development partners. These funds are used with local training institutions like TSTC or TEEX. You can also work with any qualified community collage that provides relevant workforce training.

By harnessing these partnerships and resources, our objective is to ensure your business has access to a skilled and efficient workforce, thereby contributing to your sustained success.

If your company offers the following, then you can qualify:

  • Do you have immediate job openings?

  • Does the position pay at least 12.00/hour?

  • Is there a potential for an increase in wages?

  • Is the opening for 30 hours or more?

  • Does the position offer potential growth?

Texas A&M Engineering and Extension Services (TEEX)

TEEX is a world-recognized leader in skills development. They can provide custom training solutions to help keep your workforce ready and productive. And, if you need help getting funding for your training, they can assist you by applying for a skills development grant. 

Texas State Technical College (TSTC)

Recognized as one of the top technical schools in the US, TSTC brings industry-leading training services with a skilled and experienced staff. We have worked directly with TSTC in the past to deliver direct training to local industry.  While we have many great community colleges in the area, TSTC brings a dedicated and focused approach to workforce training.